
Meaning Of The Suffix Ous

The English suffix -OUS

Easily increase your vocabulary!

The English suffix ~OUS is added to the finish of nouns and verbs to modify them into adjectives . The new adjectives will take the nature or quality of the root discussion.

root give-and-take suffix adjective ~OUS describing word meaning
danger (noun) ~ous dangerous probable to injure or harm somebody
green-eyed (verb) ~ous envious wanting something that somebody else has

Increase your vocabulary by learning the English suffix ~OUS. Turn nouns and verbs that yous already know into adjectives by adding the suffix OUS to the end of the discussion.

Learn more 40 vocabulary examples later in the post

PLUS – Scout the video at the cease of this post to review and amend your English listening skills.
– Suffix ~OUS infographic
– Printable PDF worksheet

A few years agone I read a story about some dangerous ants that were found in an ocean port in Tokyo. These ants are called 'fire ants' and they are poisonous.

I thought this story would be a great manner to innovate the English suffix – OUS to my students, and now I desire to help the English students around the world who read my weblog.

ant [noun] a small insect that lives in highly organized groups.

port  [noun] a place where ships load and unload goods
 or shelter from storms

English suffix -ous

From this news story, we used 2 adjectives with the suffix ~ous. Unsafe and poisonous.

dangerous – likely to injure or harm somebody, or to impairment or destroy something

poisonous – causing death or affliction if swallowed or absorbed into the body
(All definitions in this mail service come from Oxford Learner's Dictionaries )

A simple style to recollect of these ii adjectives is to look at the root word, this ways the part of the word that comes earlier the suffix ous.

danger (ous) If a situation has danger it is unsafe.
poison (ous) If something has poisonous substance information technology is poisonous.

2 adjectives with the English suffix -ous. Dangerous and poisonous.

More examples

Adjectives with the suffix ~ous have this basic significant.

audacious– (of a person) willing to take risks and endeavor new ideas; enjoying existence in new, exciting situations ~ fix for adventure

  • For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.

fame[substantive]the land of existence known and talked about past many people
"She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune."

famous – known about by many people
~ A famous person is someone who has fame .

  • After years of hard piece of work she became a famous actress.
A hike for the adventurous.  A famous actress.
  • When I was 22 I toured themountainousregion of New Zealand. Information technology was beautiful. (The expanse has many mountains)
When I was 22 I toured the mountainous region of New Zealand. It was beautiful. English suffix -ous

More English language suffix -ous examples:

If something is full of joy we can call it joyous.

  • The children's birthday party was full of joyous laughter.

If something happened that seems like a phenomenon, or was completely unexpected and very lucky we can use the describing word miraculous to describe it.

  • The fact that he survived the accident with no permanent injury is miraculous.

Over 40 more adjectives with the suffix ~OUS

The meanings listed below came from a Google Search showing Definitions from Oxford Languages or from Oxford Learner's Dictionaries.

A synonym of unsafe is hazardous (from the noun chance)

  • risky; dangerous
    • Be conscientious. This barrel contains hazardous material.

A synonym of poisonous is venomous (from the noun venom)

  • (of an animal, particularly a snake) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a seize with teeth or sting
    • This ophidian is highly venomous.

Another versions of famous are


  • known throughout the world.
    • The wedding cake was made past a earth-famous baker. It price $3500.00!


  • well known for some bad quality or deed
    • The dealer and other poker players are watching him closely. He is an infamous cheater.

More than examples – Verbs with the suffix ~OUS

continuous (from the verb continue)

  • forming an unbroken whole; without interruption
    • You have to lift and flip the pancake in one continuous movement.

infectious (from the verb infect)

  • an infectious disease tin exist passed hands from one person to another, particularly through air or water
    • The flu is highly infectious. I oftentimes ride crowded trains so I get a influenza shot every year to exist condom.

prosperous (from the verb prosper)

  • rich and successful
    • I wish everyone a rubber and prosperous New Year.

ridiculous (from the verb ridicule)

  • deserving or inviting derision or mockery; cool
    • Greg's outfit is ridiculous. I can't believe he wore that to the party.

various (from the verb vary)

  • dissimilar from ane another; of different kinds or sorts
    • New treatments can exist used to treat various types of cancers.

More than examples – Nouns with the suffix ~OUS

numerous (from the noun number)

  • groovy in number; A synonym of many [Much Many link]
    • People adjusting to working at the function after working at dwelling for many months face numerous challenges.

nervous (from the substantive nervus)

  • easily agitated or alarmed
    • Madison always seems nervous for some reason.

suspicious (from the noun suspicion)

  • having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something
    • You said y'all forgot to pay when leaving the store but I'grand suspicious.

mysterious (from the substantive mystery)

  • difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify
    • The crusade of mysterious glass found in the desert may be from an ancient exploding comet

furious (from the noun fury)

  • extremely angry
    • Ethan was furious when he learned the news.

disastrous (from the noun disaster)

  • causing cracking impairment OR highly unsuccessful
    • The team had a disastrous start this yr. They take a lot of work to practise for the balance of the season.

cautious (from the noun caution)

  • (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers
  • (of an action) characterized by the desire to avoid potential issues or dangers
    • Rebecca has e'er been a cautious driver. She has been driving for 8 years without an accident.

glorious (from the substantive Celebrity)

  • having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration OR having a striking dazzler or splendor
    • Today was a glorious Leap twenty-four hour period.

vigorous (from the noun vigor)

  • strong, salubrious, and full of free energy OR characterized past or involving physical strength, endeavour, or energy
    • Duncan does some vigorous aerobic exercise every morning equally before long as he wakes up.

nutritious (from the substantive nutrition)

  • (of nutrient) very good for you; containing many of the substances which assist the trunk to grow
    • It's important to beginning your day off right by eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning.

spacious (from the noun space)

  • (of a room or building) large and with plenty of space for people to movement around in
    • The apartment has big windows facing  South and a spacious living room.

outrageous (from the noun outrage)

  • offensive and unacceptable OR very unusual and intended to shock people slightly
    • The president seems to ofttimes say some outrageous things.

glamorous (from the substantive glamour)

  • peculiarly attractive and exciting, and dissimilar from ordinary things or people
    • I work an honest task but it's not very glamorous.

luxurious (from the noun luxury)

  • very comfy; containing expensive things that give pleasance
    • My wife and I treated ourselves and stayed at a luxurious hotel for 4 nights.

humorous (from the substantive humour)

  • funny; showing a humour
    • The Boob tube show is a humorous expect at 6 friends living together in New York City.

gracious (from the noun grace)

  • kind, polite and generous, particularly to somebody of a lower social position
    • I savour having dinner with Alex, he's a very gracious host.

synonymous (from the noun synonym)

  • (of words or expressions) having the same, or virtually the same, meaning OR and so closely connected with something that the two things appear to exist the same
    • Existence rich is not always synonymous with being happy.

mischievous (from the noun mischief)

  • enjoying playing tricks and annoying people
    • I was a quiet child but my lilliputian sister was quite mischievous.

rebellious (from the noun rebellion)

  • showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention
    • Max was a very rebellious teenager. He never listened to anyone.

laborious (from the noun labor)

  • taking a lot of time and effort
    • We have a huge warehouse, counting and recording our inventory is a laborious task.

superstitious (from the substantive superstition)

  • believing in superstitions
    • People who are superstitious believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky 24-hour interval. [LINK]

tortuous (from the noun torture)

  • not simple and direct; long, complicated and difficult to understand
    • After eighteen months in courtroom,the family finally saw an cease on the long and tortuous road to justice.

industrious (from the substantive industry)

  • working hard; busy
    • Yoshi is an industrious student and rapidly learned to speak English language at a high level.

advantageous (from the noun advantage)

  • good or useful in a item situation
    • Having a college degree it's not necessary in finding a good job merely is definitely advantageous.

treacherous (from the noun treachery)

  • that cannot be trusted; intending to impairment you OR dangerous, especially when seeming condom
    • Ice and snowfall covered the roads making driving treacherous.

mettlesome (from the noun backbone)

  • ​showing courage
    • I'm proud of my blood brother, she made a courageous decision.

malicious (from the noun malice)

  • having or showing a desire to damage somebody or injure their feelings, caused by a feeling of hate
    • I never trusted Andrea. She was always spreading malicious rumors about her coworkers.

monstrous (from the noun monster)

  • ​very big OR ​very large, ugly and frightening
    • I have a monstrous headache.
    • The camper saw a monstrous beast crawl out of the swamp.

ferocious (from the noun ferocity)

  • very aggressive or violent; very stiff
    • A ferocious wintertime storm blew in from the East last weekend.

victorious (from the noun victory)

  • having won a victory; that ends in victory
    • After a long and difficult tournament, our squad emerged victorious. At present nosotros are the national champions.

harmonious (from the noun harmony)

  • (of relationships, etc.) friendly, peaceful, and without any arguments OR bundled together in a style that is pleasant considering each office goes well with the others OR (of sounds) very pleasant when played or sung together
    • The museum is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern design.

These words came from a list I found with 1000 words that end with ~OUS. Not all the words can easily fit with the noun/verb root discussion to make a new adjective. Some words are hard to find what the real root is, but they're all still adjectives. You can find that list here.

Below are three examples of words whose meaning you tin can imagine but don't clearly stalk from the original root word.

horrendous (from the noun horror)?

  • terrible or extremely unpleasant
    • The conditions in prison are horrendous. Yous never want to spend time at that place.

luscious (from the substantive lush)?

  • having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste OR (of cloth, colors, or music) soft and deep or heavy in a way that gives you pleasure to feel, wait at or hear
    • She wore luscious fire cherry lipstick that caught the attention of all the men in the room.

instantaneous (from the noun instantaneity)?

  • happening immediately
    • The response was most instantaneous.

Suffix ~OUS Vocab Listing PDF (costless!)

Download your Gratuitous suffix ~OUS vocab list from the link below. ↓

Lookout the video below to review the grammar and amend your English listening skills!

Suffix ~OUS infographic

More than SUFFIX posts to easily increase your English vocabulary.

Special thank you to SpellZone for giving me example ideas for this blog post.

Meaning Of The Suffix Ous,


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