
How To Make Ultra Balls Pixelmon

Pixelmon is a popular modern for the famous gameMinecraft. It is one of the oldest mods available just has been consistently updated, with new content being added on a semi-regular basis. The latest official release was even made available subsequently Minecraft'southi.16 Under Update! Today, nosotros'll be covering how to get all the different types of Poké Balls in Pixelmon.

How to Become Poké Balls in Pixelmon

The nigh complicated thing nearly Poké Assurance is that each Poké Ball requires a different recipe, but only for the lid. Still, making them is a elementary procedure. Nosotros'll first explain how to craft them so provide the full recipe list of each Poké Ball type.

Note:Y'all will have to coil to the lesser of this guide to obtain the following Poké Balls, as they cannot be obtained through traditional crafting: Primary Ball, Cherish Ball, GS Brawl, andPark Ball.


Crafting a Poké Ball is easy if you accept the right materials. To begin the procedure, you'll demand to make sure you have the post-obit tools and items set.

  • Pixelmon Anvil (This isNot the aforementioned as aMinecraftAnvil. It has a different recipe. Y'all can come across how to craft a Pixelmon Anvil here.)
  • Furnace
  • Crafting Tabular array
  • Hammer (A Hammer of any material can be used).
  • 3 Apricorns of the colors used for the Poké Brawl you want to make. (eg. 3 ruby Apricorns for a normal Poké Ball)
  • Three Iron Ingots or Three Aluminum Ingots
  • One Stone Button(non Woods)

Stride Zero: Obtain the Apricorns

Note:If y'all already take all the components listed above, become ahead andskip to Step 1.

Apricorns can be obtained in Pixelmon in a like manner that they are obtained in recent Pokémonday games. In that location are Apricorn Trees placed sporadically throughout Forest Biomes. Each tree spawns at the aforementioned rate. The following list contains each type of biome that can spawn Apricorn Trees.

  • Birch Forest
  • Birch Forest Hills
  • Birch Forest Hills Thousand
  • Birch Forest M
  • Cold Taiga
  • Common cold Taiga Hills
  • Cold Taiga M
  • Farthermost Hills+
  • Extreme Hills+ Thou
  • Forest
  • Forest Hills
  • Blossom Woods
  • Mega Taiga
  • Mega Taiga Hills
  • Mega Spruce Taiga
  • Redwood Taiga Hills M
  • Roofed Forest
  • Roofed Forest M
  • Taiga
  • Taiga Hills
  • Taiga M

Since the trees all spawn at the same rate, none of them are designated to specific biomes.

An alternative method to obtain Apricorns (but generally less productive) is to use a Bug or Grass Pixelmon's Fodder Ability on leaves.

Related: How to Arts and crafts an Anvil in Pixelmon - Pro Game Guides

Stride One: Cook the Apricorns.

Smelt the Apricorns in the Furnace to change them from Apricorns to Cooked Apricorns. This is a necessary footstep to craft Poké Balls just. Any other recipe that requires Apricorns will crave them to exist uncooked/unsmelted.

Pace 2: Craft the Poké Brawl Components.

How to craft the Poke Ball Discs in Pixelmon

  • Discs
    1. On the Crafting Tabular array, lay the three Cooked Apricorns in a row to brand the Poké Ball Discs.
    2. On the Crafting Table, lay the three Fe Ingots in a row to make the Aluminum/Iron Discs.

An Anvil in Pixelmon.

  • Halves
    1. Place the Poké Ball Disc on the Anvil and use your Hammer to hit it until information technology becomes rounded and looks like a half-circle. This is the top half of the Poké Brawl.
    2. Identify the Aluminum/Iron Disc on the Anvil and use your Hammer to striking it until it becomes rounded and looks similar half a circle. This is the bottom half of the Poké Ball.

Pace Three: Arts and crafts the Poké Brawl.

How to craft the poke balls in Pixelmon.

In a single cavalcade, identify the components in this club from pinnacle to lesser:

  1. Elevation One-half(the colored one-half)
  2. Stone Button
  3. Lesser One-half(the aluminum half)

Once you lot do this, yous'll have a shiny new Poké Brawl at your disposal! Go out and catch some Pixelmon!


The list below provides the recipe for the top disc of each type of Poké Ball. The simply component beingness inverse is the top one-half. Everything else remains the same for each one, including the smelting and crafting procedure.

  • Swoop Ball Disc:Cooked Blue Apricorn|Cooked Pinkish Apricorn | Cooked Blue Apricorn
  • Dusk Brawl Disc:Cooked Green Apricorn|Cooked Black Apricorn| Cooked Green Apricorn
  • Fast Brawl Disc: Cooked Cherry-red Apricorn|Cooked Yellow Apricorn| Cooked Ruby Apricorn
  • Friend Ball Disc: Cooked Red Apricorn |Cooked Xanthous Apricorn | Cooked Light-green Apricorn
  • Great Ball Disc: Cooked Blue Apricorn| Cooked Red Apricorn| Cooked Blue Apricorn
  • Heal Ball Disc:Cooked White Apricorn | Cooked Pink Apricorn| Cooked White Apricorn
  • Heavy Ball Disc: Cooked Blueish Apricorn | Cooked Blue Apricorn | Cooked Blue Apricorn
  • Level Ball Disc: Cooked Yellow Apricorn | Cooked Red Apricorn| Cooked Black Apricorn
  • Love Ball Disc: Cooked Pink Apricorn | Cooked Pink Apricorn | Cooked Pink Apricorn
  • Lure Ball Disc: Cooked Green Apricorn| Cooked Cherry-red Apricorn | Cooked Light-green Apricorn
  • Luxury Ball Disc: Cooked White Apricorn | Cooked Red Apricorn| Cooked Black Apricorn
  • Moon Ball Disc: Cooked Blue Apricorn | Cooked Yellowish Apricorn | Cooked Black Apricorn
  • Nest Brawl Disc: Cooked Green Apricorn | Cooked Xanthous Apricorn | Cooked Greenish Apricorn
  • Net Ball Disc: Cooked Black Apricorn | Cooked Blue Apricorn | Cooked Black Apricorn
  • Poké Ball Disc: Cooked Red Apricorn | Cooked Red Apricorn | Cooked Cherry-red Apricorn |
  • Premier Ball Disc: Cooked White Apricorn | Cooked Red Apricorn | Cooked White Apricorn
  • Quick Ball Disc: Cooked Blueish Apricorn| Cooked Yellow Apricorn | Cooked Blueish Apricorn
  • Repeat Ball Disc: Cooked Crimson Apricorn | Cooked Black Apricorn | Cooked Cerise Apricorn
  • Safari Brawl Disc: Cooked Green Apricorn | Cooked Green Apricorn | Cooked Yellow Apricorn
  • Sport Brawl Disc: Cooked Carmine Apricorn | Cooked White Apricorn | Cooked Red Apricorn
  • Timer Ball Disc: Cooked Scarlet Apricorn | Cooked Black Apricorn | Cooked White Apricorn
  • Ultra Ball Disc: Cooked Black Apricorn | Cooked Xanthous Apricorn | Cooked Blackness Apricorn

Related:How to install Minecraft Mods on PC - Pro Game Guides

Other Poké Balls

Some types of Poké Balls that can't be crafted and can simply be obtained as loot from Boodle Chests. The listing below explains where you might detect these Poké Assurance.

  • Cherish Brawl:Pickup Ability or as Tier 2 loot in PokéLoot Chests.
  • GS Ball:ten percent chance to drop from Celebi or as loot in Desert Temple Chests.
  • Master Ball:Pickup Ability (rare), Tier 3 loot in PokéLoot Chests, Cease City Chests (very rare), or equally a drop from Boss/Legendary Pixelmon.
  • Park Brawl:Must be spawned in via cheats. No legitimate way to obtain them.

Have you seen any new Poke Balls that we don't accept listed? Drop united states a comment so we can update!

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